Further to our post a few weeks ago, the area of woodland between Harts Land and The Willow Centre field has been temporarily fenced off to protect the plants and animals within it and allow it to recover.
The area forms a natural break between Harts Lane and the formal football pitch of The Willow Centre. It was created to form one of the few wildlife corridors on Roundhouse Park and is an important part of the ecosystem of the estate.
We understand the need for exercise and activity areas, especially given the restrictions of the pandemic, but please do not deliberately damage such areas as they are here for everyone’s enjoyment, not just the few who wish their children to play in them.
As part of developing a Recreation Strategy for the Parish, Cringleford Parish Council sent round a survey last year to ask people what facilities they would like to see in the Parish, but we had very little response. We will be developing facilities on St Giles Park and are also hoping to put play and activity area into the pathed woodland behind The Willow Centre, but if you would like to see more areas developed in the Parish or join our focus group of young people who are helping us, please do get in touch. You can contact us in any of the following ways:
Parish Clerk 01603 250198, clerk@cringlefordpc.org.uk
Facebook cringlefordpc
The Willow Centre,1-13 Willowcroft Way, Cringleford, Norwich, NR4 7JJ

Or please come along to a Parish Council Meeting. The next one will be held on Thursday 8 July. Attendance information is published on our website in the Agendas.